Saved Views and Breakdowns

After verifying that all your data is feeding through, let's make sure the dashboard is set up for your liking.

Saved Views

Every customer has a set of metrics they wish to track, so it's very helpful to identify these within Northbeam and set them up as a view for easy access.

For a full explanation on Saved Views, review our Overview and Sales Page walkthroughs


Additionally, there may be a certain way you prefer your campaigns or channels to be organized.

Here are a few examples:

  • Breakdown by regions
  • Breakdown by funnel
  • Breakdown by creative type
  • Grouping traffic in "Other"

We can use the Breakdowns Manager to create custom groupings for your campaigns, adsets, or ads.

To access the Breakdowns Manager:

  1. Click in the top right corner
  2. Click Manage Breakdowns

Find a full walkthrough below.