Adding / Removing Users

ActionWho has access
Add UsersAll Users
Remove UsersAdmin-Only

Adding Users

To add or remove any users, reference the Account Managers menu:

  1. Navigate to Settings
  2. Click on Account Managers
  3. Enter the email address of the requested user and click Add Manager

The user should receive an email invitation to create a password. Be sure to check the spam folder. If they still do not receive an email, they can generate a password through the password reset flow on

Removing Users

Removing a User is an admin-only feature. (The admin of your account is generally the user who initially created the Northbeam dashboard. To find out who your admin is, go to the Account Managers menu and find the email denoted with an "Admin" label in blue)

To remove a User, navigate to the Account Managers menu and use the "Delete" button on the right right side.