5. Install the Northbeam Pixel


The Northbeam Pixel is a required snippet of code that allows us to collect behavioral information about your website visitors – including their marketing touchpoints and pages they’ve visited.

The Northbeam Pixel serves as a critical tool for monitoring activities on your website, including tracking purchases and page views.

This functionality is key for several reasons:

  • Enhanced Customer Journey Insights: By implementing pixel tracking, you gain valuable data that aids in understanding and creating the customer journey. This insight is instrumental in understanding your top and bottom of funnel!
  • Essential for helping us create a picture of your customers: This allows us to understand if your customers are coming back to the site so that you can differentiate and gain insights into New vs Returning customers.

Installation Instructions

<!-- Begin: Northbeam pixel -->
<script>(function(){var r;(e=r=r||{}).A="identify",e.B="trackPageView",e.C="fireEmailCaptureEvent",e.D="fireCustomGoal",e.E="firePurchaseEvent",e.F="firePurchaseSyncEvent";var e="//j.northbeam.io/ota-sp/{YOUR_APP_ID}.js";function t(e){for(var n=[],r=1;r<arguments.length;r++)n[r-1]=arguments[r];a.push({fnName:e,args:n})}var a=[],n=((n={_q:a})[r.A]=function(e,n){return t(r.A,e,n)},n[r.B]=function(){return t(r.B)},n[r.C]=function(e,n){return t(r.C,e,n)},n[r.D]=function(e,n){return t(r.D,e,n)},n[r.E]=function(e){return t(r.E,e)},n[r.F]=function(e){return t(r.F,e)},window.Northbeam=n,document.createElement("script"));n.async=!0,n.src=e,document.head.appendChild(n);})()</script>
<!-- End: Northbeam pixel -->

Please install this script in the head section of every page in your website. Be sure to replace {YOUR_APP_ID} with your unique Northbeam app ID.

The installation process of our pixel varies based on your website's hosting platform.

Google Tag Manager Instructions

  1. Go to https://tagmanager.google.com and select the website where you want to install the Northbeam Pixel.
  1. Click on "Add a new tag".
  1. Name the tag "Northbeam" so you can find it easily later. In the "Tag Configuration" section, click "Choose a tag type to begin setup...".
  1. In the "Custom" section of the "Choose a tag type" menu, click "Custom HTML" tag type.
  1. Complete the following steps to add the Northbeam tag:
    1. Add the Northbeam Pixel to the "HTML" section of the screen. You can find your code snippet in your Northbeam dashboard in Settings > Tracking script tags.
    2. Set "Tag firing priority" to "99"
    3. Set "Tag firing options" to "Once per page"
  1. Click "Choose a trigger to make this tag fire..." to configure Trigger settings.
  1. Select the "All Pages" trigger.
  1. Click "Save" to save this new tag.
  1. Click "Submit" to deploy the tag.
  1. Add a descriptive message for this change (like "Add Northbeam Pixel"). Then click "Publish" to go live.


You're done!

Shopify Instructions

  1. From the Shopify Admin panel,
    1. Click "Themes" (1),
    2. Click the "Actions" dropdown (2), and
    3. Select "Edit code" (3).
  1. In the code editor view,
    1. Select theme.liquid (1) from the files available, and
    2. Add the Northbeam Pixel at the top of the <head> section (2). You can find your code snippet in your Northbeam dashboard in Settings > Tracking script tags.
    3. Click "Save" to commit the change.


If you don't have a theme.liquid file, get in touch with us and we can help you figure out where to install the Northbeam Pixel.


You're done!